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At Naturally For You Health and Wellness we offer a range of standard pathology and functional testings to our clients.



We have many different tools available to help identify underlying factors that can be contributing to your current health status and by taking 1 step further and applying different testing we can identify these imbalances and design a targeted treatment program based on these results and your presenting symptoms.


Lauren Stark has extensive training directly from many of testing companies including Doctors Data, Great Plains Laboratory, DNA-Life, US BIOTEK, Precision Analytical, SIBO testing, and for past 3-years Lauren has trained many medical practitioners, naturopaths, nutritionists and other healthcare practitioners on how to understand what testing might be beneficial, how to read and interpret these results and how to apply this knowledge in a practical and beneficial way to their patients.


Testing is an investment and we take great care in only recommending testing that we feel will help you and your treatment outcomes:-


Testing offered:-


  • Standard pathology testing through QML

  • Hormone testing - male and female

    • Saliva, DUTCH (urine) and blood

  • Food antibody testing

    • Hair, blood spot and blood draw

  • Gut microbiome

    • Comprehensive Stool Analysis, Organic Acids testing and microbiology profiles

    • Comprehensive parasite testing with sensitivity panels

    • Gut health including intestinal permeability markers, fecal secretary IgA, Intestinal inflammatory markers, short chain fatty acids and Lipopolysaccharides (LPS)

  • SIBO (Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth)

  • Mood assessment and support

    • Neurotransmitter profiles

    • Zinc & Copper ratios

    • Pyrroles testing

  • General nutrient panels

  • Great Plains Laboratory

    • Organic Acid Testing

    • GPL-Tox (toxicity panels)

    • MycoPlasma

  • Genetic Testing - DNA Life

    • General health

    • Hormone health

    • Diet and lifestyle

  • Other

    • Based on presenting conditions and what may be required


To book a consultation for testing or to find out further information please contact Lauren Stark Naturopathy & Nutrition - 


M 0403 772 806







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